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Pursuant to my previous activities, please find attached a summary of two meetings that were held in London and New York regarding the establishment of a world organization of Iraqi Jewry.

We are currently planning to meet with Mr. Moshe Shachal, a lawyer and Former Cabinet Minister as well as with other prominent Iraqi Jews and consult with them on the drafting of the bye-laws for this Organization and on the forming and structure of its Assembly. As soon as we conclude these consultations, we will set a date and a place for the convening of the first meeting of the Assembly.

I am taking this opportunity to bring to your attention that Ambassador (Ret.) Zvi Gabay, a member of our Executive Committee and Mr. Arieh shemesh, Deputy Chairman of the Center will be working together with me to coordinate the activities for the establishment of this Organization.

In the meantime, please review the attached summary. We would appreciate receiving any comments.

Mordechai Ben-Porat

Mr. Dangoor writes:

Dear Mordechai

Many thanks for your letter of 11 November 2005 proposing the foundation of an international body to commemorate Babylonian Jewry.

The Exilarch's Foundation has put in reserve £10m for reviving Jewish life in Iraq. I suppose this can also include Babylonian Diaspora. My Foundation can provide unlimited financial support if the terms and objectives are genuine and not just an attempt to offset Palestinian claims

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely

Naim Dangoor

Mordechai Ben Porat writes:

Thank you for your letter dated November 24 together with the interesting letter from Khalid El Izzi.
Regarding your misgivings lest the community property of the Jews of Iraq be offset by the Palestinian claims, allow me to quell your fears and to stress, that any talk of equalization between the Jews from Arab countries and the Palestinian claims is just empty comment.

I also am of the opinion as stated in President canton's declaration that all individual claims, whether of Jews from Arab countries or from the Palestinians, be compensated through a special fund established and financed by the ''Great Seven", and I include also the Arab counties and the State of Israel who they must be a part of the fund.














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