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I take this opportunity of sending you our interfaith calendar to wish you, your family and friends a happy holiday season from the Jerusalem Foundation. The calendar depicts only a few of the wide gamut of projects and programs that we support in the city with help from our friends worldwide.
It is so clear that one of our main challenges today must be to bring people together to build the kind of human trust and relations that are essential to promote peace in Jerusalem, Israel and the Middle East.
The Jerusalem Foundation's response to this challenge is to develop projects and programs from the root level up to better the understanding between Jews and Arabs who live side by side in the city.
To this effect I am also enclosing our recently published coexistence brochure detailing our endeavours in this area.

As always, looking forward to meeting you here in Jerusalem.

Nurit Gordon
UK Desk

From Naim Dangoor:

To the Director General
The Jerusalem Foundation


Thank you for your letter of September 2005 with enclosures. I have pleasure in enclosing herewith, a cheque for £500 in support of your activities and to promote the idea that the Dome of the Rock should be open for Jewish, Christians and other visitors, as a gesture of conciliation between all faiths.

There is no possibility either in the near or even in the remote future for Jews to be able to acquire the site of Solomon Temple, much less to be able to rebuild a Jewish Temple with the need to offer animal sacrifices to God.

The Dome of the Rock was built by the Caliph Abdul Malik expressly to protect the site of Solomon's temple which Muslims considered holy. Although many Jews would not wish to enter that building, many others on the other hand would be very happy to visit this structure which has lasted more then 1300 years and which can be made into a symbol of unity and understanding among all those who acknowledge and worship the One True God.

With kind regards and best wishes,

Naim Dangoor.













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