
University Of Surrey:
14 June 2005
I am very pleased to be able to enclose a batch of 51 Dangoor
Scholarship application forms from the University of Surrey,
as one of the 1994 Group universities participating in your
generous scholarship scheme for 2005 entrants into higher
The University of Surrey will be considering applications
in three batches across the UCAS admissions cycle, and will
be selecting them according to our widening participation
criteria, putting forward applicants who show strong academic
promise despite a background of financial or social disadvantage,
and possibly with no previous history of family involvement
in higher education. We are also expecting to submit two
further batches to you at a later stage in the summer, but
will not put forward in excess of 80 application forms in
Our first batch consists of 51 application forms, and we
consider these to be of equal ranking according to our criteria,
and subject to the eligibility condition that applicants
are UK citizens, currently resident in England or Wales.
In putting these applications forward to you for your further
consideration, we would advise that members of the 1994
Group intend and expect that the process of selecting successful
applicants to the Dangoor Scheme will embody a commitment
that applications are treated solely on the basis of their
conformity to the criteria published about the scheme generally
and by the relevant member institutions, and regardless
of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religious or
political belief or affiliation, trade union membership,
age, gender, gender reassignment, marital status, sexual
orientation, disability, socio-economic background, or any
other inappropriate distinction.
Yours faithfully
Catherine Ashbee
Assistant Register
letters of appreciation:
Clarence House
14th November 2005
The Prince of Wales has asked me to thank
you for sending him the information sheet about the Dangoor
His Royal Highness was very interested to read about the
enormous number of students who have benefited from your
wonderful philanthropic gesture, and has asked me to send
you his heartfelt thanks and warmest good wishes.
James Kidner,
Deputy Private Secretary to TRH The Prince of Wales and
the Duchess of Cornwall
University of Exeter
"Thank you once more for your continued generosity
and support of these worthy students".
Dr John Withrington
Student Recruitment and Admissions
University of St Andrews
"Thank you for your generosity, which has been appreciated
by our new Dangoor Scholars".
Alex Rougvie
Associate Director of Admissions
Lancaster University
"On behalf of the University, I would like to express
our gratitude for your generosity in funding this scheme
and for the efficient and helpful fashion in which you responded
to our proposals for the scholarship awards".
Paul Graves
Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Durham University
"Thank you very much for you email confirming that
we can now give 60 Dangoor Scholarships to our students.
We at Durham University are very grateful for your generosity.
Some of the recipients of the Dangoor Scholarships have
written to me to say thank you for the scholarship, and
others have asked if they can send thank you letters to
me to be forwarded on to you".
Mrs. Elisabeth Lovett
Head of Student Financial Support
University of Bath
"Once again we would like to thank you for your generosity
in offering these awards, which profoundly improve our students'
chances of academic success unhindered by financial worries".
Sue Garret
Admissions and Student Funding Adviser
The University of Warwick
Dear Mr. Dangoor,
We have received your generous gift of 60 Dangoor Scholarships
at the University of Warwick. I believe that you will inspire
others in your position to assist in higher education and
I know that you have inspired the Dangoor Scholarship recipients.
On behalf of the University, and particularly our students,
thank you very much.
Many generations to come will remember the Dangoor scholarships,
not only at Warwick but at the other 1994 Group Universities.
Your donation will help our most talented students to best
benefit from the education the University provides. Sources
of funding for students are heavily stretched and your gift
makes a real difference.
I would like to invite you to visit Warwick this year.
It would provide an opportunity for you to meet the Warwick
Dangoor Scholars and for Warwick to thank you properly.
We would be honoured to have you as our guest.
Prof. David VandeLinde
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Dear Mr. Dangoor
We are grateful to the Exilarch's Foundation for your most
generous gift of £39,000. This gift will support the
Dangoor Scholarships for 39 first year students for the
academic year 2005/6
For over a century at the heart of London, LSE has been
teaching future leaders, shaping public policy debates and
advancing knowledge across the whole range of the social
sciences. We continue to be unrivalled in our international
character and in the breadth of the social sciences which
we teach and research.
On behalf of the staff and students of LSE, I thank you
for showing your confidence and belief in us.
With best wishes and appreciation of your generosity,
Mary K Blair PhD
Director of development and Alumni Relations
Goldsmiths University of London
I am writing to acknowledge safe receipt of your cheque
for £60,000| to cover the cost of the Dangoor Scholarships.
On behalf of Goldsmiths and of the fortunate recipients
of these awards, I would like to thank you for establishing
this generous scheme. Over half of the students at Goldsmiths
come from a background where the family income is less than
£22,000, and I know that the prospect of receiving
a Dangoor Scholarship is very important for many of our
new recruits.
Given the impact the Dangoor Scholarships will have here,
I hope you will be able to repeat the scheme and I know
that Goldsmiths would be eager to participate.
Dr Philip Broadhead
Pro-Warden (Students)
University of Sussex
I have been informed that we have just received your generous
gift of £59,000 as the University of Sussex share
in the Dangoor Scholarship scheme. I wanted to thank you
personally, and on behalf of the University, for your very
kind support.
As well as being extremely grateful for your outstandingly
generous gift at a very important time for the University,
I thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to meet you
and your wonderful family, who have shown nothing but enlightenment,
kindness and care for students. I am somewhat in awe of
the fact that so many young people will benefit so greatly
from a single gift.
I do hope to have the pleasure of seeing you again in the
near future. In the meantime, my heartfelt thanks once again
for your generous support.
Alsdair Smith
Vice Chancellor
University of Bath
Please find enclosed a letter from one of the recipients
of a scholarship. We have had a number of emails expressing
similar sentiments from other very grateful students:
I recently received notification that I had been allocated
a Dangoor scholarship and I am writing to express my gratitude.
This scholarship will be a great help to me in my first
year at university. I can't wait to start my course and
begin this new, exciting part of my life.
I think it is wonderful that Mr. Dangoor and his family
continue to help new university students in financial difficulty,
giving people like me the chance to fulfill their dreams.
Maybe one day I will be able to do the same.
I would appreciate it if you could pass on this letter
to Mr. Dangoor, and I would like to thank him and you for
giving me this opportunity- I will certainly make the most
of it!
Yours faithfully,
Gemma Brown
University of Essex
Dear Mr Dangoor,
I am writing to express sincere gratitude, on behalf of
the University, for the generous donation of £59,000
to cover The Dangoor Scholarship received from the Exilarch's
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Ivor Crewe
Vice Chancellor
University of Essex
Dear Mr. Dangoor
Exeter University has informed me that I am to be a recipient
of a £1000 scholarship for the year 2005/6 from the
Dangoor Foundation. My greatest worry about university is
the financial side and with my term-time starting tomorrow
your generosity has greatly eased my worries for my first
year. Thank you very much, it has made a huge difference
to the start of my university career!
From Lord Tugendhat
I have just returned from a three week holiday in South
America to be told of your extremely generous gift of £65,000
to the University of Bath as part of the Dangoor Scholarship
Scheme. As Chancellor of the University I hasten to send
you my warmest thanks for your wonderful generosity. Your
support will make a significant difference, not only to
the students who benefit from it, but also to the University
as a whole.
In December I read with great interest of the launch of
your Scholarship Scheme and the special reception held by
the then Education Secretary, Charles Clarke, and Lord Attenborough.
I was particularly struck by what you said about assisting
the people of the country who have welcomed you. I think
perhaps that I understand more clearly than many what you
meant because I remember my own father's gratitude for the
welcome he received when he came here from Austria after
the First World War.
I would be very honoured if you would allow me to entertain
you to lunch at the House of Lords as a small indication
of my gratitude. I will ask my office to be in touch with
yours during the next few days to see whether that might
be possible. I know too that the University would be delighted
if you could accept my invitation to allow your name to
be inscribed on the Membership Role of the Chancellor's
Circle which we invite our major donors to join.
Dear Mr Dangoor,
I would like to thank you for your extreme generosity in
awarding me a scholarship. This money will be invaluable
to me as I study here at Reading. I feel honoured that you
decided to select me for this grant.
The extra money will be extremely beneficial in helping
to cover accommodation costs. I also plan to use it to buy
books for my main course of psychology and my subsidiary
modules of linguistics and sociology, as well as paying
for essential stationary. I believe that the scholarship
will allow me to enjoy university life and hopefully reach
my full potential, as I will have the funds to access both
necessary and complementary books to aid me in my studies.
Yours sincerely,
Julie Connellan
Dear Mr Dangoor,
I am writing to you to express my sincere thanks for the
Dangoor Scholarship I am in the process of being issued.
Having been volunteering in Tunisia for my gap year I value
my learning immensely as I am truly aware of how lucky I
am and what a great opportunity is being offered to me.
Lauren Eastley
University of Exeter
Dear Mr Dangoor,
I wanted to write and thank you personally for the generosity
of spirit shown by Mr Naim Dangoor. On 12 October a reception
was held for the sixty students joining Exeter who have
benefitted from Dangoor Scholarships. As you will know,
all of these students came from underprivileged backgrounds.
Many of them will have been the first member of their family
ever to progress to higher education: receiving these scholarships
has made a real impact upon their decision to study at university,
and I am grateful as a result.
I enclose a photograph taken at the ceremony as well as
a Press Release, marking the event. Thank you once again
on behalf of these students.
With best wishes
Professor Steve Smith
Dangoor Scholarships Help Exeter Students
Sixty new students at the University of Exeter have each
received a £1,000 bursary thanks to the generosity
of an Iraqi businessman who has made the UK his home.
Exeter's Vice-chancellor Professor Steve Smith said: 'Thanks
to Naim Dangoor, 60 students have received financial assistance,
enabling them to study at the University of Exeter. In keeping
with Mr Dangoor's mission to help all students get a fresh
start in life, these awards have been made to people who
might not have thought of coming to university at all. Many
will have come from families where there is no history of
school leavers going on to higher education. This shows
a wonderful generosity of spirits".
Mr Dangoor decided that all universities in the 1994 Group
should receive scholarships to help incoming first year
students. As a result, one thousand awards of £1000
each have been made this month. As one of the most popular
universities in the UK, Exeter received about nine applications
for every new undergraduate place this year. Competition
for scholarships was tough, with the Dangoor family making
the final decision on scholarship applications. The 1994
Group of universities are 16 research-led institutions of
international standing.
A ceremony hosted by Professor Smith, was held on 12 October
to celebrate the awards.
Royal Holloway University
I am writing to express my grateful thanks to you for your
kind award to me of a scholarship to help me in this first
year of university study at Royal Holloway, University of
My mother fled to this country after the Vietnam War, and
has since rebuilt her life here. I was reading on the internet
with intrigue about the work of your Exilarch Foundation.
You certainly have a very impressive history, and I am fascinated
by your generosity. You have a very similar history to my
mother in that you came to this country, fleeing persecution.
Since then you have become very successful and are involved
in many charitable pursuits. I am the first person in the
history of my mother's family to attend university, so I
thank you for assisting me in my education.
Dear Mr. Dangoor,
I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to you
for the generous scholarship I have been awarded.
I have been waiting to go to University for over 10 years
and can still hardly believe that I am finally a Psychology
student. Apart from feeling a little old sometimes, I am
thoroughly enjoying it. This degree will require a lot of
effort and dedication, four years is a very long time to
study, however to become a Psychologist will not only allow
me to reach my personal goal, it will teach my 3 children
that nothing is impossible if you work hard enough to attain
I have been able to buy all the reading material needed
for the Psychology and Philosophy modules. It would not
have been possible for me to buy all these various books
had it not been for the Dangoor scholarship. I have to say
that looking at all the books is quite frightening. I now
also have the internet at home which had made a huge difference
to my studies.
I am still finding my feet regarding my timetable and all
the different buildings there are to find on such a large
campus, but I'm sure that by the spring term I will have
fully settled in. I'm just pleased to be studying on such
a lovely campus.
Thank you once again Mr. Dangoor for your generosity.
Juanita Harfitt
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