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H.E. Dr Zvi Shtauber
Embassy of Israel

29 November 2001

Dear Zvi

Peace with the Palestinians must be global – not only Syria and Lebanon should be included, as Secretary Colin Powell indicated, but also Iraq.

As a member of the Babylonian Jewish community that was glorious and substantial, I wish to stress Jewish connections with Iraq and to emphasise the lessons of history of 2,500 years that there can be no peace for Israel unless Iraq is brought under control.

Fortunately, the limelight will soon move onto that country and if Saddam is removed, as surely he will be, any conference to establish a new regime in Iraq must include Jewish representatives.

The Arabs must not be allowed to claim the countries of the fertile crescent as their own, since that region has been and continues to be the home of many nationalities; Jews and Kurds, Assyrians, Turcomen, Druse, Maronites and others, all of whom should be encouraged to strengthen their presence there. In particular, some of us should be allowed to return to Iraq and rebuild our community there.

With kind regards.

Yours sincerely

Naim Dangoor



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