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The articles in this issue have been divided up into the following categories







Racism in Durban

From: Mr Clemens N Nathan
Joint Chairman, Consultative Council of Jewish Organisations

I hoped you would be interested to receive copies of the seven keynote pamphlets that the CCJO has commissioned to promote debate at the ongoing UN Conference on Racism, August 31-September 7 2001 in Durban, where these papers were well received.

The series of essays include contributions from distinguished academics and promoters of Human Rights. We are particularly honoured to publish Prince El Hassan of Jordan’s call for people of all faiths to reach out across the religious divide and build on their common values in the fight against racism.

As an organisation, we have worked throughout our history to promote the cause of Human Rights and we hope these pamphlets will help to focus minds on this goal both in Durban and its aftermath.


Racism, Xenophobia & Discrimination – Humanity’s need for a new ethical Code of Conduct
His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin Talal

Perceptions of the Other: Lessons from the Jewish Christian Dialogue
Dr Edward Kessler

Judaism as a source of Human Rights
Professor Asher Maoz

Slavery & Piracy – The Case for Reparations for Slavery
Professor Geraldine Van Bueren

Racism & Xenophobia in Virtual Russia
Dr Stella Rock

Unease in the Global Village: German language racism on the Internet
Rebekah Webb

The European Race directive: A bridge so far?
Ferne Brennan


Many thanks for your letter and enclosures. It seems to me that the Jewish people have become an endangered species and we should apply to the United Nations for protection, like the elephants of Vietnam.

Naim Dangoor

Dear Naim

I fully agree with you that we are now “an endangered species”. The depression which my delegation had at the UN Conference against Racism in Durban was beyond belief.

I had never imagined that the Palestinians could mobilise all the Black Marxists and make a parade of over 10,000 people there with the worst German Nazi propaganda which I thought was dead and buried. What shook us more than anything else was that whilst all these things were taking place, including the destruction of any meetings of the Jewish UN groups discussing anti-Semitism, let alone Israel, was that our friends, the other non-Governmental organisations mostly just stood by and did nothing. At least some of them rejected the motions which were passed and which fortunately Mary Robinson threw out. It shows that one has very few friends at every level in world affairs.

This is why I constantly encourage to highlight how Jews care about other people’s human rights. We have a fairly good track record going back to Moses - and probably even earlier! It does not seem to help in this situations. I am sometimes wondering why they can’t find someone else to attack and not us.

I do cherish The Scribe and above all, your wonderful sense of humour.

At the Centre for Jewish Christian Relations at Cambridge where I am Chairman, we have now 100 students learning about Judaism from all over the world. The Russian and Polish students are finding out that Judaism has a great deal to offer them, particularly those from the Russian Orthodox Church who are quite difficult to deal with but I believe that only by dialogue do we stand the slightest chance of things improving for the next generation.

Clemens Nathan


I share your frustrations with our situation in the world.

God may have better plans for us in the future. In the meantime I console myself by thinking that, as Chosen People, our role is to suffer, for God, the wickedness of mankind.


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