to satisfy my knowledge or rather something
that I have always
heard I would appreciate your answer.
I have always been under the impression [something that
I heard many years
ago] that the true Jews were the Sephardic Jews. Not the
Jews in Israel as
they came from Russia where they immigrated centuries
ago and since the
Russian people converted to Judaism, over the centuries,
Jewishness simply
just about slipped out of the Jewish gene pool.
Asking this, I mean no disrespect, just that I have always
been interested
in Judaism and have done much reading. During the Diaspora
Jews travelled all
over the known world and I wonder about who is Jew and
who is not.
Thank you for any comment you may be pleased to forward
to me.
Janet marsh, NY.
Thank you also for your site, just surfed onto it and
was happy that I did.
The Scribe wrote:
The Ashkenazi people (those from Europe)
are not as ‘pure’ as the Sephardi Jews (of
Middle Eastern origin). In any case Judaism is not strictly
based on race, and while we do not proselytise actively,
we welcome converts who undergo the difficult conversion
The Scribe
Janet Marsh wrote:
Thank you so much for your reply. I still think that
the Sephardic Jew is the real jew of our Bible. I will
go on your site often. It is very interesting.