Genealogical Conference
The 21st International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, the
largest event of its kind staged outside the United States,
has styled itself "London 2001". Some 1,000 delegates
attended, including many of non-Jewish background, reflecting
the ethnic mix of the speakers, and testifies to the recent
explosion of interest in genealogy. The opening up of the
archives of the former Soviet Union countries, advances
in genetic technology, law suits over restitution of artworks
and other property looted during the Holocaust have all
contributed to the expanded nature and boundaries of genealogy.
than 170 leading academics, historians and scientists from
across the world addressed Europes largest ever conference
on Jewish Genealogy, which was held in London last July.
Among the speakers were
Dangoor Babylonian Jewry (Read
excerpts of this talk)
Rita Bogdanova and colleagues Overview of the Holdings
of the Latvian State Archives
Lydia Collins Sephardi Manchester
Professor Yitzhak Kerem The Jews of Salonika and
Greek Jewish Sources
Ilana Tahan Jewish Genealogical Resources in the
British Library
as well as Stephen D Smith MBE, founder and director of
the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre
Bible includes much genealogical material, attempting to
trace the human family tree from Adam Harishon.
Subsequent lists of who begat whom had to do with the need
to trace land titles in Israel in accordance with the way
the country was divided and allotted to the various tribes
by Moses.
the web page:
Write: London2001, PO Box 27061,London N2 0GT, England
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