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Was Britain Actively Involved in the Holocaust?

In 1917 Britain issued the Balfour Declaration in order to bring the United States to join the Allies in the war against Germany, after the collapse of the Russian front.

But soon after the end of the First World War it became clear that Britain was opposed to establishing the Jewish National Home. The Palestine Mandate covered the areas west and east of the River Jordan and a happy solution could have been to develop Palestine for the Jews and develop Transjordan as the national home of the Arabs. But in 1921 Transjordan was given over to Emir Abdullah without conditions, leaving the Jews and the Arabs to fight over the rocky strip of Palestine.

In the run-up to the Second World War British policy was embodied in the 1939 White Paper which closed the door to Jewish immigration at a time when European Jews were badly in need of a safe haven. British policy was meant to gain Arab sympathy, but in fact Arab sympathy was solidly pro-Hitler throughout the war - witness the Rashid Ali pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq in April 1941.

Historians attach little importance to that event but in fact if it had succeeded Russia would have been cut off from Allied aid and the war would have taken a different course. Britain defended Iraq on the island of Crete where after heavy losses the sole German airborne division was destroyed. Crete was surrendered only when Iraq was safely in British hands.

British policy after the war regarding the Jewish National Home was the same. Survivors of the death camps were turned back and were forcibly disembarked in Germany.

It is therefore reasonable to conclude that British policy was the same during the war.

After the establishment of the State of Israel, British officers led the Arab forces that attacked the Jewish state and were paramount in delineating its frontiers.

As a student at London University in the early thirties, I was tormented by the ease with which Hitler was allowed to re-arm Germany. My own teenage guesses at the time were either that Britain wanted to achieve a decisive end to the earlier war with Germany or that a new European war was organised solely for the purpose of murdering the ten million Jews of Europe. In the event, my second guess proved correct and the Holocaust was the only lasting outcome of World War Two.

The nagging question remains, therefore – Is it possible that the British government was actively involved in the murder of the Six Million?

After the collapse of the Rashid Ali revolt, ex-mufti Amin Husseini who was in Baghdad, fled to Iran and thence to Italy and Germany where he met Hitler in November 1941. Throughout the war he influenced Nazi anti-Jewish policy and made certain that Jews were prevented from getting out of Europe. He persuaded Hitler that Jews leaving Europe would end up in Palestine and that would anger the Arabs.

The mufti’s objectives coincided with those of Britain – witness the sinking of the Struma in 1942 with the loss of 800 Jews.

The question arises; was there secret contacts between the Mufti and British agents? The mufti was afraid to leave Germany after the war, but was given safe conduct by Britain through France and thence to Egypt and Beirut. It is possible that Israel was advised not to interfere with him.

All along Britain was obviously afraid that the Zionists would take over the Middle East and displace Britain in its vital sphere of influence.

The indications are strong and the leads must be plentiful. The time has come to research this episode of the twentieth century to put the record straight.

Britain’s sympathy with the Palestinians and hostility to Israeli governments continues unabated. Printing a monograph on the subject would be financed.

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