society of Jews from Egypt
O Box 230445, Brooklyn, NY 11223
Fax: 718-998 2497
This organisation shall be known as HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF
JEWS FROM EGYPT, and not of Egypt or of Egyptian Jews, but
FROM EGYPT for the purpose will be to include all our co-religionists
whose lineage have sojourned in the Jewish Communities of
aims of this society are to preserve, maintain, co-ordinate
the implementation, and to convey our rich heritage to our
children and grandchildren, using all educational means
at our disposal to bring into being the necessary foundations.
the birth of our peoples Freedom from Egypt and so
we learn; our fathers were slaves in Egypt, and if it wasnt
for the Almightys intervention we would have been
slaves in Egypt until today.
The truth about Passover: Who made us slaves in Egypt? It
was none other than Joseph as a result of cornering the
grain market. The whole population of Egypt became slaves
to Pharaoh. When a new Pharaoh arose (Rameses 1) he released
the Egyptians but kept the Hebrews in their bondage.