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The articles in this issue have been divided upinto the following categories







I recently went to hear and see Baghdad A Jewish City at the Jewish Museum in Camden Town. I also saw By the Rivers of Babylon and noticed that The Scribe is still being published in hard copy. I was on your subscriber's list but somehow ceased to receive the publication. My family left Iraq in the 1860's as my great grand father was Hakham Shlomo Twena who was invited by the Community in Calcutta, India, where he subsequently lived.

I would like to receive The Scribe in future.

Albert Twena London


We ceased to print The Scribe in hard copy since it went out onto the internet at

In the case of issue no. 75 we produced, exceptionally, a printed copy which was made available at the Jewish Museum and other Jewish outlets but was not sent to those on our mailing list. A copy of our issues can be downloaded from the website.



If you would like to make any comments or contribute to The Scribe please contact us