Dr. Anwar Gabbay

Obituary by Dan Gabbay
Anwar was born in Baghdad Iraq on the 12th of February
1913, son of Reuben and Habiba. He was the eldest in a family
of five children. Three of them are Doctors in medicine
and two are teachers, one in English language and the other
in Arabic language. His father was a pharmacist and his
mother was a French teacher. The family was well known in
Baghdad. He finished all his studies in Baghdad including
medical studies and earned a degree in medicine (MD). Anwar
started his career as a doctor in a university hospital
and out patient clinics. In 1948 he moved to London, England
to specialize in ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery in
the "Moorefield eye hospital'' one of the most known
eye hospitals in London. In 1953 he travelled to Israel
and started working at Hadassah university hospital in Jerusalem.
After working about seven years in Hadassah hospital he
moved to Belinson university hospital in Petach-Tikva (east
of Tel-Aviv).
He worked there in the eye department as an ophthalmologist
and ophthalmic surgeon until he retired. During his service
at the hospital he was training junior doctors and medical
students. Apart of his career as a doctor he was interested
in playing sports drawing and painting. He used to read
a lot of Arabic and English literature. Everyone in his
family friends and acquaintances loved Anwar. He loved people
and liked to help whenever he could. He wished all people
all over the world to live in peace. His health deteriorated
in the last two years of his life. He passed away on the
5th of April 2003. He will always be in our hearts and never
be forgotten.
May his memory be blessed.
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