Baghdad 1927, the wedding of Victoria
Bekhor and Ezra Somekh, taken at the home of Sion
From left to right:
Sitting on the carpet: Ken Bekhor; Jamil Bekhor.
Front row:
Madeleine Gourji (child) ; Rosa Shuker Gourji ;
Naima Zbaida Shuker ;
Naima Bekhor Shashoua ;Abdalla Shoua Bekhor ; Victoria
Bekhor ( the bride ) ;
Ezra Somekh (the groom) ; Marcelle Shoua Bekhor
; ........ daughter of Iskandar Aziz ;
.......... son of Iskandar Aziz ; Kamal Bekhor.
Second row:
Shoua Abraham Iny (child) ; Muzli Bekhor ( she had
an atelier ) ;Habiba Iny Aboodi ;
Pauline Sehayek Somekh ; Naima Zekaria Somekh ;
....... daughter of Iskandar Aziz (with hat ) ;
Victoria Somekh Rashty ; ....... mother of the groom
; Chahla Somekh Shuker ;Farha Somekh ;
Mrs. Shoua Isaac Bekhor ; Florine Sehayek ; Missouda
Shuker Bekhor ; Yehuda Somekh ;
...... Rashty; Sion Isaac Bekhor (bride's father
wearing fez); Shemmail Somekh (wearing fez)
Standing at the back:
Hayat Iny; Victoria Abraham Iny (wearing a white
hat); Moshi Somekh ; Saleh Bekhor ;
Saleh Shlomo Shuker ; Khedhouri Shashoua.
The other three at the back are servants.
The child on the right is Edmond Somekh.
Sent by Helen Bekhor