The Exilarch's Foundation would like to revive
and commemorate the role of Baghdadi Jews in the Jewish
history of Shanghai.
To this end, the following information was received from
Rabbi Shalom D Greenberg, Rabbi of Shanghai's Jewish Community
and emissary of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement:
Thank you very much for your interest! We are gratified
to hear that the Exilarch's Foundation has taken interest
in our cause to keep Judaism alive wherever there are Jews,
even in remote areas.
Attached is an article written about the centre and its
The first Jews to arrive in Shanghai came over 150 years
ago, but for the past 50 years there has been no official
place for the Jewish population to meet and socialise. All
that changed when the Leader of the Shanghai's Jewish community,
Rabbi Shalom Greenberg, opened the Shanghai Jewish Centre
in Hongqiao Lu. The four-storey villa houses a Synagogue,
a kosher restaurant, offices, meeting rooms and an outdoor
garden. The Jewish pre-school is run by the Rabbi's wife,
Dina Greenberg. The centre also offers a range of community
services for all Jewish residents in Shanghai, including
counselling, marriages, the coming-of-age bar mitzvah ceremony,
and circumcision.
Since the early 1990's and the opening up of China's economy,
more and more Jewish professionals, teachers, students and
tourists have come to Shanghai from countries around the
world. The centre offers a single place for daily events,
Friday dinners and holiday celebrations. Major annual holidays
like Jewish New Year will still be celebrated at the old
Shanghai Synagogue on Shannxi Bei Lu.

The Shanghai Jewish Centre is at 1720 Hongqiao
lu. Phone 6278-0225, or e-mail Rabbi Greenberg at
For more information:

Beit Midrash, Library & Study Hall in
Donated by: Mr. Albert Sassoon, First President

Rabbi Shalom & Dina Greenburg