Your Grandfather
the late Hakham, was a very learned scholar and was undoubtedly
familiar with the many medieval authorities who explicitly
taught us that "time" was created with matter. See Ibn Ezra
introduction to his commentary to the Torah, Maimonides "Moreh
Nevuchim" eg., the edition of Kappach, page 161 and more (from
memory), Yehudah Halevi, and probably Ramban (Nachmanides).
It is an opportunity
to congratulate you on issuing the "Scribe" - "Khazak Baruch".
Being (forgive me) Ashkenazi by origin, it is a gratifying
intellectual and emotional experience to receive the Scribe,
- a window to the once thriving community of Babylonian Jewry.
From: a reader
The Indian Nobel
Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore mentions in one of his poems
"a worldless, timeless, lightless great emptiness" to describe
the pre-creation state. Then comes the Big Bang. The poem
anticipates the eventual collapse of creation on itself -
The Big Crunch, and the 'system' returning to rest. As might
be expected the poem is couched heavily in Hindu imagery.
Atiene Aghegho
Einstein and the
Rabbi do not commit Tagore's mistake in attempting to describe
God's domain of infinity and eternity beyond our own universe.
How long is eternity? How large is infinity? Why should there
not also be an infinite number of Gods all living in peace
and harmony with each other? Call them one God if you will,
as long as it does not amount to monopoly.
Although Moses
grew in a culture which believed in afterlife, the Torah deliberately
avoids such speculation. We are concerned with our own universe,
where we are doomed helpless hostages.
I note that people
do not bow when we pray to God who revives the dead? Where
is the evidence? It is a sop to satisfy the squeamish.
"Al Tidrosh besof
ubrosh" The Talmud recommends that for our peace of mind,
we should not speculate too deeply either regarding the beginning
of the creation, or the eventual end of the universe.
Not a laughing
I read your article
on page 5 of the Scribe (No: 69), under the title of "who
discovered Relativity first, Einstein or the Rabbi?"
I read this article
many times and at the end I laughed. Why I laughed?
Because I saw
how you solved a problem which no-one could solve in the past,
nor will be able to solve in the future.
The question is:
What was existing between God and his act of creation for
the universe? Was it time?
You have denied
the existence of time in this phase, and your solution was:
eternity existed, and still is functioning till now.
In this case I
can say we are as human beings together with everything else
in the universe, must be part of "that eternity."
Are we then, part
of the universal God who included eternity and the creation??!!
It is true that God created the man. It is also true that
man created the concept of the almighty God without a partner
to him called time.
Finally, the best
solution that I find is that you laugh at me writing to you
these lines. Thank you for laughing.
Latif Hoory

Above: Latif Hoory
in a jovial mood.
Naim Dangoor
writes: It appears that earlier Rabbis too came to the
conclusion that time came into being when the universe was
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Scribe please contact